“I’d been struggling with poor sleep for a couple of years but it had got horribly worse with the onset of the menopause. I had a session with Sue, yes that’s right one session!!! I couldn’t believe it!!! I’ve slept every night since and feel like a different woman!! After my success I decided to have another session for something else and that worked a treat as well. As I was feeling so good about myself I decided now was the time to finally pass my driving test, after failing 13 times I had given up, but felt inspired after my sessions with Sue. I decided to try the program, just coz I was curious I guess how it might differ. Well I did miss Sue’s lovely manner but the program was just brilliant and guess what, yes of course I finally did it!!! I passed my test hurray!!! You are a very talented lady Sue Rowland I’m glad to have met you. I have recommended you to all my friends and family, not that I needed to they can’t believe the difference in me!!! And my hubby says ‘he’s got his gorgeous wife back!’
Rose Whittles,