Self Hypnosis


We’ve helped thousands of people with a variety of issues. Check out what some of them have had to say below.

“I had passed my test years ago but only drove a short distance once a week to the shops as I could walk to work. But now several years down the line I took a new job but it was 20 miles away and I had to drive on the dual carriageways and soon realised I was anxious on the faster roads. Sensibly I had a few driving lessons but they didn’t seem to help. My instructor thought it might be psychological and suggested I tried hypnosis. I found this site and got myself the driving confidence program, what a difference, I now feel calm and confident driving even on the faster roads. Definitely recommend to anyone having problems.

Susan Brown,


“I would say that day to day I am quite a confident person and confident in my abilities but when it came to public speaking that was a different matter. Just the thought of it was making me feel sick!! Desperately looking for some self help I found the hypnosis program for public speaking and it’s changed my life because not only was I completely fine, I really enjoyed it, so much so that I’ve changed jobs, a promotion for me involving more public speaking which I would have shied away for before. Excellent program.

Julie Bannister,


“Well I’d all but given up passing my driving test after failing for the 13th time. My driving instructor insists that I am a more than capable driver and there’s no reason why I shouldn’t pass but I always just go to pieces during my test. I had contacted Sue I realised that because I had failed so many times I was expecting to fail again, but Sue identified what was causing my real issue was the fact that I was scared to drive on my own in case something happened and I wouldn’t know what to do, or I might get lost. We worked through these issues and not only did I finally pass my test but I love driving!!!! And I also love driving on my own!!! I was really impressed and recommended to my niece who was a nervous driver and was struggling to pass her test. She decided to buy the driving confidence program and it worked a treat!!!! We are both very happy we found you 5 stars lovely lady!!!

Barbara Holmes,


“I’d been struggling with poor sleep for a couple of years but it had got horribly worse with the onset of the menopause. I had a session with Sue, yes that’s right one session!!! I couldn’t believe it!!! I’ve slept every night since and feel like a different woman!! After my success I decided to have another session for something else and that worked a treat as well. As I was feeling so good about myself I decided now was the time to finally pass my driving test, after failing 13 times I had given up, but felt inspired after my sessions with Sue. I decided to try the program, just coz I was curious I guess how it might differ. Well I did miss Sue’s lovely manner but the program was just brilliant and guess what, yes of course I finally did it!!! I passed my test hurray!!! You are a very talented lady Sue Rowland I’m glad to have met you. I have recommended you to all my friends and family, not that I needed to they can’t believe the difference in me!!! And my hubby says ‘he’s got his gorgeous wife back!’

Rose Whittles,


“I am now a proud non smoker thanks to this brilliant program. I’d been a heavy smoker for over 30yrs and never thought I’d be able to quit, I’d tried everything, patches, tablets from the doc, nicotine gum I’d tried the lot, was trying to shift the the vap but the nurse said that was worse and caused popcorn lung. When I got home I looked it up on the internet and she was right, luckily I also found this site and got a copy of the stop smoking program, I felt relieved that the first session was a gentle introduction with cutting down, which I found surprisingly easier than I thought. Then I was into the stopping session but knew I had reinforcement and support sessions to help me and I can honestly say I did feel supported throughout. I did feel reassured by the fact I could contact Sue for a private session if I needed to but I’ve been great so far!!! Great course recommend it to anyone who’s looking to quit, if I can do it anyone can!!!

Brian Bell,


Contact Sue at Self Hypnosis Audios to book your appointment

