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Hypnosis Programs
Do you suffer with IBS?
Hypnosis has been shown to be an effective treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in a number of clinical studies. Research has found that hypnotherapy may not only help improve the primary symptoms of IBS, but it may also help relieve other symptoms suffered by many people with IBS such as nausea, fatigue, backache, and urinary problems. Hypnotherapy appears to offer symptomatic, psychological, and physiological benefit.
This effective program contains 6 hypnosis audios and an accompanying document including detailed information of how to use your audio program and supporting advice and information.
Premium Self Hypnosis Program Designed to match the Treatment Plan of one to one Hypnotherapy
*Available for instant download
Symptoms may vary from mild, where they do not significantly impair the individual’s quality of life, to serious, prompting them to seek medical help. In addition to the physical symptoms, people may also become anxious, depressed or become socially isolated as a consequence of their condition.
Symptoms can be exacerbated by anxiety or stress and worrying about IBS can prolong and perpetuate the symptoms. Hypnotherapy can also help to alleviate any emotional triggers and help to reduce any stress that may make the IBS worse. By using positive suggestion, hypnotherapy can lessen anxiety and increase confidence and wellbeing; this is believed to reduce sensitivity in the gut.
A number of clinical studies have found hypnotherapy for IBS to be an effective treatment, including a recent study published in The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology journal.
Results showed that immediately after treatment, participants in the two hypnotherapy groups reported satisfactory relief at substantially higher rates than those who received educational supportive care, and these benefits persisted for nine months after the treatment ended.
Peter Whorwell, Professor of Medicine & Gastroenterology at the University of Manchester, has investigated the application of hypnotherapy to manage and treat IBS since the 1980s. His pioneering research demonstrates that over 60% of IBS sufferers who undertake hypnotherapy see long-term improvement and even the complete disappearance of symptoms, often with no recurrence.
Thanks largely to Professor Whorwell, hypnotherapy is now acknowledged within the medical profession as an evidenced-based therapy that can help alleviate the symptoms of IBS. The National Institute for Clinical and Care Excellence (NICE) lists hypnotherapy as one of the treatments to help with IBS.
The link between the brain and your gut is an interesting one and effectively by undertaking hypnosis to help your IBS, you are learning to use your mind to help control your gut.
This self hypnosis program for IBS can help you with relaxation techniques, as well as learning new ways to manage stress.
Our state of mind can have an impact on our physical well-being. Therefore the tension, stress and anxiety often caused by IBS may undermine the immune system and further compromise health.
Learning how to relax and manage stressful feelings can become useful life tools. Hypnosis can help to promote positive thinking and develop coping strategies.
Included with this program are a series of six audios including;
reduce any worries or fears contributing to IBS
increase your relaxation and well- being.
Reduce worrying about the condition as this can in affect make the condition worse and cause some people even worry about leaving the house.
Visualisations and suggestions with the aim of decreasing the sensitivity of the gut and to increase confidence.
Visualisation for the desired outcome when you are free of symptoms
Processing any worries or fears that may be contributing to the IBS
Visualisation and suggestions to decrease gut sensitivity and to increase wellbeing
Included with this hypnosis for IBS this program also includes a Calm anchor–
A calm anchor is a sort of remembering in your subconscious of feeling calm and self assured in mind and body and helps you to focus on what you are participating in.
This effective program contains 6 hypnosis audios and an accompanying document including detailed information of how to use your audio program and supporting advice and information.
Premium Self Hypnosis Program Designed to match the Treatment Plan of one to one Hypnotherapy
Audio Sample
Self Hypnosis Audios
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Hypnosis Audios
Contact Sue at Self Hypnosis Audios to book your appointment